This school is operated as a Lutheran Elementary School by Bay Pines Evangelical. Lutheran Church, Seminole, Florida. Its supervision is directly under this congregation's Education and Services Committee. Bay Pines Lutheran School is one of the 361 elementary schools within the Wisconsin Evangelical. Lutheran Synod. Approximately 31,980 children are enrolled in these schools which are staffed by over 1850 dedicated teachers. The teachers in these schools, as well as in our school, have received their Bachelor of Science in Education degree and are certified at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota. Our philosophy is that children are a gift of God. They need to be brought to faith in Jesus, in whom they are assured of the forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven. Therefore the teaching of God's word, Law and Gospel, permeates all subject areas. Our students are educated to use their talents to God's glory in their community and country. The purpose of this school is to provide a Christ-centered education based upon the inspired Word of God, the one and only authority for faith and life. In light of this purpose, Bay Pines Ev. Lutheran Church operates this school for the education of our congregation's children and for reaching out to the community with the Gospel of Christ. All subjects are used to share the love of Christ.