Since 1994, We at AppleTree Learning Center, have been truly committed to making a difference in the lives of the children entrusted to our care. We provide them the best possible environment, giving them a leading edge in the learning processes they will be using through the remainder of their lives. We believe nobody is ever too young to learn and gear our programs to the levels and capabilities of each individual child. Our Preschool program offers your child an individual, hands-on environment. Activities are child-directed and focus on the growth of children in the areas of emotional, cognitive, physical and social skills. Unique to this program is theme-based learning, small group size and weekly inter generational activities with Shepherd of the Valley residents. The preschool schedule includes a story time, circle time, nutritious snack, and a learning activity, followed by work centers and outside play.
デンバー市および郡(City and County of Denver)は、アメリカ・コロラド州にある合併市郡で、コロラド州で最大の都市であり、州都でもあります。デンバーは、ロッキー山脈に近い平原に位置しており、デンバー・オーロラ大都市圏の中心を形成しています。デンバーの中心部は、南プラット川(South Platte River)の東岸に位置し、南プラット川とチェリークリーク(Cherry Creek)の交差点に近く、山の麓から約15マイルの距離にあります。平均海抜は1610メートル(約1マイル)であるため、「1マイルシティ」として知られています。