AJ children learn critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning through dramatic arts, creative art projects, block building and water play. They learn Jewish culture, religion, and spiritual principles by celebrating the beliefs, holidays, and heritage of the Jewish people. They develop sharing and planning skills by choosing activities at classroom centers. They learn to express feelings and thoughts through song, movement, drawing, painting, and other media. They build confidence and respect for self and others by observing how their teachers treat them and by treating each other with the same respect and dignity. Special attention is given to greet every child with a warm welcome to our breakfast room. Children are offered breakfast and enjoy eating with friends. We encourage the children to begin their day with free play. Our morning program is very relaxed and inviting. Many times in this day and age we are rushed and we value this time as a time to welcome your child to school and assure they are comfortable and provided with the essential care needed for beginning a successful day. Our teachers are well-trained professionals in the area of early childhood education and have many years of experience working with young children. We have a remarkably low turn-over rate and are proud of it.